Singing Guide: Little Boots

Singing Guide: Little Boots

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Little Boots

Little Boots is a unique and colorful electro-pop artist from the UK. Her playful sound and powerful vocals make her an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their singing skills. In this article, we'll go over some of Little Boots' signature vocal techniques and songs and offer some tips on how to incorporate them into your own singing practice.

Vocal Techniques

  • Falsetto Voice and Head Voice

One of the key vocal techniques used by Little Boots is falsetto. Falsetto is a technique where the singer's vocal cords are stretched out, producing a higher-pitched, breathier sound. In several of Little Boots' songs, such as "Remedy" and "Stuck on Repeat," she showcases her impressive falsetto range. Another key technique is using the head voice. Head voice comes from the higher part of the vocal cords and is often used to produce a brighter, lighter sound. Little Boots uses this technique in several of her songs, such as "Earthquake" and "Shake."

  • Vocal Range

Little Boots has a broad vocal range, from the deep contralto notes in "Taste It" to higher notes in "Symmetry." One way to learn how to sing like Little Boots is to practice her songs and experiment with your vocal range. Use tools like the Vocal range test at Singing Carrots to find your vocal range and compare it to Little Boots' range.

  • Breathing Techniques

Another crucial element in Little Boots' vocal style is her controlled, focused breathing. The ability to control your breathing and vocal delivery can help you perform better on stage and in the studio. At Singing Carrots, you can learn more about breathing techniques through this Breathing basics article.

Little Boots' Songs

  • New in Town

"New in Town" is a fantastic song to start with if you want to sing like Little Boots. This song showcases her signature falsetto and poppy sound. Practice singing the song's chorus in falsetto, and focus on breath control and pitch accuracy.

  • Remedy

"Remedy" is another great song to practice if you want to sing like Little Boots. In "Remedy," Little Boots showcases her impressive falsetto range and playful delivery. Try to sing along with the song, paying attention to the breathing techniques she uses and putting your own spin on the vocals.

  • Stuck on Repeat

"Stuck on Repeat" is another song that showcases Little Boots' falsetto and head-voice techniques. The song's chorus features a great melody and rhythm, making it an excellent choice for practicing breath control and pitch accuracy.

How to Learn

To learn how to sing like Little Boots, practice singing along to her songs and experiment with your vocal range and style. Use tools like Pitch accuracy test and Vocal Pitch Monitor to monitor your progress and focus on areas of improvement.

Try out Singing Carrots' Pitch Training exercises, which can help you develop your pitch and range. Use Singing Carrots' Song search to find songs that fit your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.

For further references, refer to the following articles at Singing Carrots:

Practice regularly and keep challenging yourself to improve, and you'll be singing like Little Boots in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.